Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Utrecht Chicago Myspace Page

Get more out of the Utrecht Chicago blogging community with the new Utrecht Chicago Myspace page at

We hope to link these two sites so that we can expand our blogging community and those that we reach out to. Please feel free to visit our page and list yourself as a friend of Utrecht Chicago!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Create art and get paid for it!

Utrecht Chicago is allowing artist's to use the Utrecht Studio to work on their work while in a public setting. The studio setup allows artists to work freely, while interacting with other guests. This creative environment allows the artists to obtain valuable feedback and gives the guests and opportunity to inquire about the work they are seeing. Artists are compensated for their time and usually work in two to four hour blocks of time. If you have interest in this program, please see your Utrecht store manager and set up a time of your own to work. A schedule of future artists and time they will be working will be posted on the Utrecht Chicago store page at
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